Each year during this season we have several projects going on to help Share the Hope of Christmas with our church family and our community. Please take a look at all the ways that you can get involved and help with these projects below!
We are collecting gift cards to distribute to individuals and families over the Christmas season. Please consider donating gift cards to the following locations:
Presto Cards
Grocery Stores
Gas Cards
Walmart or Amazon
$15 Tim Hortons Cards for our Christmas Care Packages
Please drop off any gift cards with a gift receipt attached to the Guest Services team on a Sunday morning by December 16th.
We will be passing out 200 care packages, that will include $15 Tim Hortons gift cards, throughout the winter. We are also accepting donations of new hats, mittens, socks, and wrapped candy for these packages.
Please drop off any donations at the church on a Sunday morning by December 16th.
We have set up our Hat & Mitt Tree in our foyer! We want to make sure we have warm hats and mittens available for our friends who need them. Please donate new or clean previously worn hats, mitts, or gloves to add to the tree.
We are always gathering warm clothing, winter coats and jackets, winter boots, and sleeping bags for our clothing closet and to pass out to those in need. Please drop off any donations at the church on Sunday mornings in the front foyer.
If you would like to make an online donation to help purchase gift cards or care package items click on the button below, please make sure to add “Christmas Project” in the memo line.
If you have any questions please contact Melody.