At Philpott we believe in the power of prayer and seek to incorporate it into our weekly and monthly rhythms as a community

Monthly Prayer Meeting

On the last Sunday of every month at 6PM we hold a church wide prayer meeting at the church for everyone to come together in prayer for a specific ministry at our church or for our city. All are welcome to join.

Wednesday Morning Prayer

Every Wednesday Morning from 7-8AM there is a virtual prayer meeting for those in our community to spend time praying with and for one another. If you would like to join please contact us for the zoom link.

Pre Service Prayer

We invite you to join us every Sunday morning at 9AM before our weekly service to pray with us and invite the presence of the Lord, prepare the hearts of our congregation and bless our leaders, teachers and volunteers who make our services possible.

Prayer Team

We have amazing volunteers on our prayer team that are available after each Sunday service at the front of the Sanctuary to pray with and for you.

Prayer Room

Want a quiet space to pray during the week? We have a prayer room off of our Sanctuary where you can spend time in prayer.
Hours: Monday to Thursday from 9AM-4PM

Did you know that many people from our congregation pray weekly for requests submitted to our Philpott Prayer Bulletin? Submit your prayer request to the prayer team below!

If you would like to commit to praying for our church's needs and requests please click the link below.