Various Teachings

Here you can find a collection of our sermons and teachings - follow along with us as we seek to understand and follow the way of Jesus.


November 24, 2024 | Hosea

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    1. Hosea's marriage to Gomer illustrates the depth of human sin and God's redeeming love. How does this story challenge your view of sin and God's grace?

    2. Gomer’s children received names that reflected Israel’s broken relationship with God but were later redeemed with new meaning. How does God’s renaming reflect His power to transform our identity and circumstances?

    3. In Hosea 2:14, God breaks the expected cycle of judgment with an act of tender mercy, saying, “I will allure her…and speak tenderly to her.” How have you experienced God’s unexpected grace in a season where judgment seemed deserved? Can you recall a season of wilderness in your life where God’s redeeming love became evident?

    4. The sermon emphasizes our role in responding to God’s promises of renewal. What steps can you take this week to respond more fully to God’s call, trusting in His love and redemption?

    5. Verse 23 describes God calling those who were “not my people” into a relationship where they respond, “You are my God.” How can you live more fully in the identity of being God’s chosen and loved person, and how might that change how you approach others who feel far from Him?


January 5, 2025 | Hebrews 10

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  • 1. Take some time (30 minutes minimum) to meditate on Hebrews 10:10, what truths found in this verse speak to both your own personal situation and the situation of the Philpott community? Are you carrying around guilt and shame?

    2. How comfortable/uncomfortable are we with the declaration the author of Hebrews makes that, through the sacrifice of Jesus, we are made both perfect and holy? What kinds of feelings/thoughts do these statements evoke?

    3. Read through Hebrews 10:1-25 again and ask what it says to us in relation to our identity as a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and God’s special possession (1 Peter 2:9) 4. Are you carrying guilt and shame in your heart and mind? How does Hebrews 10 speak to what Jesus has and is continuing to do in regard to our guilty conscience?

    5. Read Hebrews 10:26-39 in light of the whole chapter, what is the author trying to communicate to the original hearers and to us?


January 12, 2025 | Hebrews 11

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    1. The writer of Hebrews calls us to "throw off everything that hinders" and "fix our eyes on Jesus." What are some practical steps you can take this week to identify and remove distractions or sins that entangle your faith journey? What does "fixing your eyes on Jesus" look like practically in your daily routine? How can this practice help you combat weariness or discouragement in your faith journey?

    2. Hebrews 12:1 speaks of being surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. Who are the "witnesses" in your life—whether from Scripture, history, or personal relationships—whose example of faith encourages you to persevere? How can you draw strength from their stories?

    3. Hebrews 10:10 reminds us that we are made holy through Jesus' sacrifice. How does this truth impact the way you approach God in prayer or worship? How can this confidence shape your daily life?

    4. Faith "looks backward" at God's past actions to stir hope for the future. What specific moments in your life or Scripture remind you of God’s faithfulness? How can revisiting those moments help strengthen your trust in God’s promises?

    5. Hebrews 10:32-35 recounts the perseverance of the early Christians in the face of suffering. How have trials in your own life shaped your faith? What lessons from these experiences can you apply to current challenges?


January 19, 2025 | acts 12

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    1. The early church devoted themselves to prayer in the face of persecution. How can our church cultivate a deeper commitment to prayer as a community? How can we as a group or church create more opportunities to gather and pray? What barriers might we need to overcome to do this?

    2. The sermon mentions the mystery of prayer, including unanswered prayers like those for James. How should we respond when God’s answers to our prayers are not what we expect or desire? When prayers seem unanswered, what practical ways can we encourage one another to stay faithful and trust God’s timing and plans?

    3. The church’s prayers were integral to Peter’s miraculous escape. How does this story shape your understanding of the partnership between God’s sovereignty and our prayers?

    4. The church kept praying for Peter, even after facing the loss of James. How can we cultivate perseverance and resilience in prayer during times of discouragement? What practical actions can we take to build a sense of expectancy in our prayers, believing that God hears and acts?

    5. The sermon suggests that prayer realigns us with God’s priorities. How has prayer helped you gain clarity or peace about God’s plans in your life or ministry?

    6. The sermon notes the importance of both prayer and action. How can we balance taking faithful steps of action while remaining dependent on prayer for God’s direction and power? What specific actions can you take this week to follow up on prayers for others, such as offering encouragement, meeting practical needs, or sharing the gospel?



January 26, 2025 | Matthew 16

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    1. What do you think your answer would be to Jesus’ asking “who do you say I am?" in Matthew 16:15. Why does our answer to that question matter?

    2. Consider the three layers of meaning concerning what the rock refers to in Matthew 16:18 (Peter himself, his confession, the literal cliff in Caesarea Philippi). What are your thoughts on each of these layers?

    3. Read Matthew 23:13-15 and compare it to Matthew 16:19, how are these sections of text related and what does their relationship say to us about our role as Jesus followers?

    4. Consider this quote from Dallas Willard and how it relates to Peter’s rebuke of Jesus in Matthew 16:22: "the Christian gospel does not require cultural privilege or even social recognition in order to flourish. God's work is not disadvantaged by persecution, even to death, and much less than by mere pluralism…Christians in a pluralistic society, where there is no presumption in favor of their beliefs or practices, but perhaps even a strong bias against them, are in the very best position to show the true excellence of the Way of Christ.” What do you think?

    5. Take some time to meditate on Matthew 16:24-27, what is the Holy Spirit revealing to you through these words of Jesus?


FEBRUary 2, 2025 | ROMANS 16

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  • 1. Paul concludes his letter to the Romans by naming and acknowledging many people who contributed to his ministry.
    a. What does this teach us about the importance of community and partnership in the church?
    b. How can we apply this to our own relationships within our faith communities?

    2. In Romans 16:25-27, Paul praises God for His ability to strengthen believers through the gospel.
    a. What does it mean for God to establish and strengthen us through the gospel?
    b. How have you experienced this in your own faith journey?

    3. Paul describes the gospel as a “mystery” that was once hidden but is now revealed through Jesus Christ.
    a. How does understanding the gospel as God’s long-planned revelation shape our view of His sovereignty and purpose in salvation?