Visitation Part 3: Joseph

December 11, 2022

Discussion Questions:

-What’s your favorite “unexpected” detail in the Christmas story?

  • What’s one unexpected way God has worked in your life lately?

-Through a divine visitation, Joseph is assured that Mary’s pregnancy is not the result of infidelity but of divine providence. And because of that, God calls Joseph to take two decisive steps: accept Mary & give her son a name.

  • What would it “cost” Joseph to go ahead and marry Mary?

  • Sometimes following God will require risky obedience. Can you recall a time when you were certain that God was nudging you toward this kind of obedience? How did you respond?


-Matthew says that Joseph was a just man. Russell talked about the tension Joseph felt between obedience to the law and protecting Mary. There is the sense that Joseph took the path of obedience with compassion.

  • What do you think of the phrase, ‘obedience with compassion’?   What images/examples come to mind?

-Verse 21 contains the most important part of the Angel’s revelation – Jesus’ name revealed his purpose: God himself was coming to earth with the goal of saving people from sin and its consequences.

  • Who do you know needs Christ’s salvation? How might you share the good news of Jesus with that person?

  • Will you take time to pray for those people now as a group?