
October 1, 2023.

Discussion Questions:

1.  Reflecting on the debate mentioned in the introduction, what are some common perceptions or misconceptions about religion, especially Christianity, in our society today? How might these perceptions impact the way we engage with others as Christians?

  2.  The sermon emphasizes the importance of corporate prayer. How has your experience with group prayer, either in a church setting or elsewhere, influenced your faith and sense of community? Share any personal experiences or insights you have regarding the power of collective prayer.

  3.  In the story of Jehoshaphat, the king and his people turned to God in prayer when they faced overwhelming circumstances. Can you think of a situation in your life or the life of our church when you felt helpless and turned to God in prayer? How did prayer impact the outcome?

  4.  The sermon suggests that our prayers should be rooted in a desire for God's kingdom to be established and a deep love for people and place. How can you cultivate a deeper love for your community and those around you through prayer? Share specific ways you can express this love through your actions.

  5.  The sermon encourages a posture of "broken-hearted joy" and "faithful presence." How can we maintain this posture as Christians in challenging times, especially when our convictions and values are viewed negatively? Share practical steps and strategies for embodying this posture in your daily life and interactions with others.