John 17:1-5

October 29, 2023

Discussion Questions:

  1.  How does the imminent departure of Jesus shape the context for his prayer in John 17:1-5? How does his impending death and departure influence the significance and tone of this prayer?

  2.  What does the phrase "glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you" signify in terms of the relationship between God the Father and God the Son? How does this demonstrate the essence of God's glory?

  3.  According to Jesus' prayer in John 17:3, what does eternal life entail? How does this understanding of eternal life differ from common perceptions of its duration, and what does this perspective offer in terms of a relationship with God?

  4.  How does the statement "I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do" in John 17:4 reflect the completeness of Jesus' mission? What implications does this completion have for our own understanding of salvation and our response to it?

  5.  How can we align our daily lives with the glorification of God, as Jesus exemplified in his life, death, and prayer? What practical steps can we take to live our lives in a way that brings glory to God?

  6.  How can we follow the example set by Jesus in our lives, especially in relation to making God known and giving Him glory? How can we practically apply Jesus' dedication to revealing God to those around us?