November 26, 2023
Discussion Questions
What do you think Jesus means when he prays for unity among believers? How does this unity contribute to the mission of God in the world?
* Reflect on the idea of unity in belief. How can this kind of unity be cultivated among diverse groups of believers?How does unity among Christians contribute to a compelling witness to the world about Jesus?
* In what ways can a united community of believers reflect the nature and character of God?Reflect on the tension between exclusive truth in the Gospel and the inclusivity of God's grace. How can the church maintain this balance effectively?
* How might the church embody both exclusive truth and inclusive grace in a way that reflects Jesus' teachings?Consider the idea that unity is an ongoing work. How can we actively participate in this work of unity within the Body of Christ?
* How can we cultivate a spirit of continuous growth toward complete unity as Jesus desires?How can we personally respond to Jesus' prayer for unity and witness? What steps can we take to live in such a way that reflects God's work within us?
* In what specific areas do you feel challenged to align your life more closely with Jesus' prayer for believers?