February 5, 2022
Discussion Questions
Paul urges the Galatians not to change course. They initially accepted God’s grace as a free gift but were now trying to earn God’s favor through their actions.
What has been your experience with Christianity? Did you initially understand it as something based on faith or on rules? How has your perspective changed over the years?
Are you in danger of forgetting that the gospel is the source of your ongoing acceptance? How, and why?
What difference does it make when you base your relationship with God upon how well you keep a list of rules rather than living in light of the truth that God accepts you through faith?
Paul’s words, “before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified” suggest the message of Jesus’ sacrificial death painted a portrait that the Galatians were able to see. Russell also pointed to the conversion of Lydia in Acts 16 – scripture says, ‘The Lord opened her heart to respond to Paul’s message.’
Who is the Spirit bringing into your life who needs to hear and understand the gospel?
How might you help ‘paint a portrait’ of the gospel?
Are you regularly praying for the Lord to ‘open hearts to respond’ to the gospel?
Pray for people that the Spirit is bringing to mind as a group.