April 23, 2023
Read Philippians 1:3-11. What does this prayer teach you about how to pray for the church? Do you pray something like this for our congregation?
Russell talked about the church as a “witnessing body.” What is our witness, and how do we live this out? What is the connection between our witness and our prayer?
Read John 15:1-8. What does the vine metaphor teach us about prayer? How does prayer relate to the kind of fellowship with God that Jesus is talking about in this passage? Do you think Jesus modeled this kind of fellowship himself?
Read Acts 13:1-3. What does this passage teach us about the relationship between prayer and the mission of the church? Can you think of ways that the Lord has used prayer to clarify your own mission, or the mission of Philpott Church? What do you think would happen if we prayed like the church in Antioch prayed?