7 Churches of Revelation: Part 2

January 14, 2024

Discussion Questions:

  1. Russell emphasizes the new allegiance required by God's kingdom. How does the concept of allegiance to Jesus as King create upheaval in our lives?

  2. Discuss the significance of the vision of the risen and exalted Jesus in Revelation 1:12-16. How does this vision shape the way we understand and react to our present circumstances, especially in times of confusion, discouragement, or pressure to conform?

  3. Why is worship considered a crucial response to the challenges faced by the churches? How does worship draw us into the story of God and shape our lives in a way that resists false gods?* How does worship empower our devotion to Christ and help us overcome sin?

    * Discuss personal experiences where worship has played a significant role in your spiritual growth and resistance to the spirit of the age?

  4. How can we, as a church community, ensure that our vision of Jesus remains true to the revelation described by John in Revelation 1:9-20?