7 Churches of Revelation: Part 5

February 4, 2024

Discussion Questions:

* The church in Pergamum faced a dissonance between their confession of faith and certain lifestyle choices.

* What are some specific areas in our modern culture where Christians might feel pressured to compromise their faith, and how can we maintain faithfulness to Jesus in the face of these pressures?

* How can we, as individuals and as a church community, strive for greater consistency between our confession of faith and our lifestyle choices?

* The call to repentance is a central theme in this passage. What does repentance look like in our lives, and how can it lead to ongoing transformation?

* Are there areas in your life where repentance is needed, and what steps can you take to turn away from compromise and draw closer to God?

* Reflecting on the letter to Pergamum, how can we assess the spiritual health and culture of our own churches or communities? What practical steps can we take to ensure that our churches maintain a strong and uncompromising commitment to biblical truth while still reaching out to those who need the message of Christ?

* In what areas of your life do you find it challenging to stand firm in your Christian convictions, and how can you address those challenges?