June 16, 2024
Discussion Questions
Reflecting on 1 Corinthians 1:1-9: Pastor Jesse emphasized that God is the one taking action in our salvation. How does recognizing God's role in our faith journey impact your understanding of your relationship with Him? Can you share a specific moment where you felt God's active presence in your life?
2. The Power of the Cross: Paul warns against preaching the gospel with "wisdom and eloquence" to avoid emptying the cross of its power. What are some ways we might unintentionally rely on human wisdom or eloquence in our personal ministry or church activities? How can we ensure we are relying on God's power instead?
3. Foolishness and Weakness: The sermon discusses the message of the cross as foolishness to those who are perishing but the power of God to those being saved. How have you experienced or witnessed the world's perception of the gospel as foolishness? How do you stay confident in the power of the gospel despite this perception?
4. Ordinary Congregation, Extraordinary Gospel: Pastor Jesse highlighted that God chose the ordinary and unimpressive to demonstrate His power. In what ways can our church, and we as individuals, embrace our ordinariness to allow God's power to be evident? What practical steps can we take to shift our focus from human abilities to God's power in our church community?