Sep 23, 2024
Discussion Questions:
How have you experienced God bringing order and purpose into areas of your life that felt chaotic or uncertain, similar to how He brought order to creation in Genesis 1?
Reflect on moments in your life where you’ve seen God transform disorder or confusion into clarity and purpose. How can you continue trusting in His presence during difficult seasons?
The sermon emphasizes the dynamic power of God's Word and Spirit in creation. How can you more intentionally partner with God's Word and Spirit to bring life, order, and purpose into your daily activities and relationships.
Think about specific ways you can invite the Holy Spirit and Scripture into your decisions, work, and interactions. How might this change the way you approach challenges or opportunities?
Being created in God’s image gives us the responsibility to reflect His nature in the world. How are you representing God’s character in the places where you have influence, such as your family, workplace, or community?
Consider practical ways to better reflect God’s compassion, creativity, and stewardship in your sphere of influence. What changes might you need to make to align more with His character?
In Genesis 1:31, God saw that His creation was "very good." How does this affect the way you view God's creation, including yourself and others?
Reflect on whether you treat the world and people around you with the dignity and care that God’s "very good" creation deserves, knowing that everything He made has intrinsic value and purpose.