Philippians 4:13

July 14, 2024

Discussion Questions:

  1. In Philippians 4:10-12, Paul expresses contentment regardless of his circumstances. How can we cultivate this kind of contentment in our own lives? What are some challenges we face in finding contentment, and how can we rely on God’s strength to overcome them?

  2. The sermon highlights the difference between contentment and self-sufficiency. How can you identify areas in your life where you might be striving for self-sufficiency instead of trusting in God's provision? How can you cultivate a deeper sense of contentment that comes from knowing and living for Jesus?

  3. The passage talks about contentment being a learned experience for Paul. Share a difficult situation you've faced. How did your faith or your relationship with God help you find contentment or peace in that situation?

  4. The sermon talks about God's sustaining power and meeting our needs. Have you ever experienced a time when God provided for you in an unexpected way? How can this scripture passage change your perspective on trusting in God's provision, especially during difficult times?


Joshua 1

July 07, 2024

Discussion Questions:

  1. - Take some time this week to research the composition of Joshua (when was it written, to who, and why?), how do we handle a diversity of opinion on the subject?

  2. - Knowing some of the composition, read Joshua 1:1-9, how might it have been interpreted by its original audience? What would it have meant to them?

  3. - How do we actualize the book of Joshua in our own lives, especially given its violent nature? Knowing that Jesus has always been and always will be and that the book of Joshua is inspired (breathed into) by him, does this change how we interpret and actualize it? 

Jeremiah 29

June 30th, 2024

Discussion Questions:

  1. The Israelites were called to settle down and build a life in exile, a situation they likely despised. How can this challenge us to find purpose and live faithfully for God even in difficult circumstances, unexpected places, or unwelcome situations?

    Can you reflect on a challenging time in your own life and how trusting in God helped, or how you can grow in trusting Him more?

  2. What practical steps can you take to seek the welfare of the city you live in (Jeremiah 29:7)? This verse talks about the Israelites seeking the welfare of Babylon, the foreign land they were exiled to. How can you apply this concept to your own community?

  3. The Israelites were instructed to pray for the welfare of Babylon, their captors. How can we apply this concept in our own lives? Who or what might be considered our "Babylon" (a source of discomfort or opposition)? How can we pray for their peace and well-being?

    Can you reflect on how your prayers can contribute to the peace of your community?

  4. The promises to the Israelites wouldn't be fulfilled immediately. How can we cultivate a sense of hope for God's long-term plans in our lives, even when we might desire a quicker resolution to our problems?

    What are the promises you hold onto in difficult times? How can you strengthen your hope and perseverance?





Zechariah 1-4

June 23rd, 2024

Discussion Question:

  1. Zechariah 1:3-4 emphasizes the call to return to God and experience His renewal. Is there an area of your life that needs renewal? How can you approach God in repentance and seek His help in this area?

  2. The passage talks about God's anger with the ancestors for their disobedience (Zechariah 1:4). Consider the legacy or impact you want to leave for future generations. How can you live a life that reflects obedience and faithfulness to God's call?

  3. Zechariah 4:6 highlights that the work of God is accomplished "not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit." Think about a time in your life when you relied on your own strength, or resources and it wasn't enough. How can you cultivate a greater dependence on the Holy Spirit in your daily life and activities?

  4. The imagery of Zerubbabel facing a "mountain of rubble" (v. 7) represents a seemingly insurmountable obstacle. Describe a current obstacle you or the church is facing. How can you apply the message of relying on God's Spirit to find the strength and wisdom to overcome this challenge?



1 Corinthians 1

June 16, 2024

Discussion Questions

  1. Reflecting on 1 Corinthians 1:1-9: Pastor Jesse emphasized that God is the one taking action in our salvation. How does recognizing God's role in our faith journey impact your understanding of your relationship with Him? Can you share a specific moment where you felt God's active presence in your life?

    2. The Power of the Cross: Paul warns against preaching the gospel with "wisdom and eloquence" to avoid emptying the cross of its power. What are some ways we might unintentionally rely on human wisdom or eloquence in our personal ministry or church activities? How can we ensure we are relying on God's power instead?

    3. Foolishness and Weakness: The sermon discusses the message of the cross as foolishness to those who are perishing but the power of God to those being saved. How have you experienced or witnessed the world's perception of the gospel as foolishness? How do you stay confident in the power of the gospel despite this perception?

    4. Ordinary Congregation, Extraordinary Gospel: Pastor Jesse highlighted that God chose the ordinary and unimpressive to demonstrate His power. In what ways can our church, and we as individuals, embrace our ordinariness to allow God's power to be evident? What practical steps can we take to shift our focus from human abilities to God's power in our church community?

Revelation 21 & 22

JUNE 09, 2024

Discussion Questions:

1. How does the imagery of two contrasting cities, Babylon and the New Jerusalem, shape our understanding of societal values and our role in fostering a community reflective of God's new creation?


2. In what ways can we, as individuals and communities, embody the presence of God in our cities and towns, contributing to their flourishing and reflecting the anticipation of God's ultimate fulfillment of dwelling among his people?


3. Take time to reflect on the illustration Pastor Russell gave if the presence of God saturates our downtown core. What impacted you as you heard it or read it it below?


‘What will it be like to walk renewed city streets street; cities and towns in a new earth where heaven has come down. This was in my heart as I walked this week; what would my walk here in the downtown core be like in a city saturated with the unfiltered presence of God.


I walked with that reality in my spirit this week:

• No need for a fence

• No discarded needles/crack pipes; no people trapped in addiction/mental health

• Repurposes shelters/hospital

• Reimagined graffiti; no vacant buildings

• War memorial repurposed

• Litter; air was clean

• No store-front church signs like – lukewarm Christians go to hell

• No loan stores


We can hardly imagine our cities and towns as places where God and the Lamb flood our streets; where God and the lamb are present everywhere. But John’s final vision prompts us to think about Hamilton as a flourishing, growing and vibrant city that embodies the ever-increasing fullness of God’s design for all creation.

• A city where the joy and peace of God are tangible

• Where we are no longer strangers

• Where we each actively contribute to its flourishing. 

Cultural life freed from sin – for sake of others, for creation as a whole and bringing glory to God.


4. Considering the urgency conveyed in Revelation's final words, how can we balance the tension between living with a sense of anticipation for God's future restoration while actively engaging in the mission of the church in the present?

Celebrating His Faithfulness

June 2nd, 2024

Discussion Questions

  1. Think about a time in the past year when you witnessed God working through our church ministry. How did it impact you?

  2. The sermon talks about "faithful presence rooted in word and deed." How can you personally better integrate spoken witness acts of compassion and service into your daily life?

  3. Jesus sends out the disciples with minimal provisions. What does this teach us about trusting in God's ability to provide for our needs? How can we cultivate a deeper trust in God's timing and plan in our own lives?

  4. The sermon mentions "a vision of wholeness and the health of people and place." Is there a specific need in our community that you feel called to address through service? How can we work together as a church to meet that need?

  5. Why do you think Jesus sends the disciples out two by two? What are the benefits and challenges of working alongside others in ministry or Christian service?


Revelation 19 & 20

May 26th 2024

Discussion Questions

1.      The sermon highlights the contrast between the judgment scenes and the persistent singing of praise. How can we actively participate in singing the Lord's song, even when facing personal struggles or difficulties in the world? Explore practical ways to cultivate a life of continual praise.


2.      The message emphasizes the role of the church in announcing and embodying God's salvation. Discuss what this means in your daily life. How can you actively participate in God's saving work in your family, workplace, or community?


3.      Revelation 19 uses the imagery of a wedding supper to represent the union between Christ and his people. What does it mean to be "ready" for this event? Discuss ways to deepen your commitment to Christ and prepare yourself for a closer relationship with him.


4.      Revelation 20 describes the final judgment of all sin and evil. How does the reality of a just and final judgment impact your understanding of God's character and your own life choices?


5.      The sermon acknowledges different interpretations of the thousand-year reign mentioned in Revelation 20. Regardless of the specific timeframe, how does the concept of a final victory over evil impact your faith and hope for the future?


Acts 2 Pentecost Sunday

May 19th 2024

Discussion Questions

  1. What do you think are the implications that God’s spirit is poured out on “all people” and that sons, daughters, men, and women will prophesy? What does this language mean for us today?

  2. Read through Acts 2 and Exodus 19-20, what similarities do you notice? What’s different about the stories? How do they connect?

  3. Shavuot/Pentecost was a festival of rest, rejoicing, and care for the poor and the foreigner. The people would leave the edges of their field unharvested for those who needed it most. Does your celebration of Jesus include uncut corners and room to care for those who need it? Why or why not?

Revelation 17

May 12th, 2024

Discussion Questions:

  1. Reflecting on the portrayal of Babylon in Revelation as a symbol of worldly power and godlessness, how can you identify and resist the influence of Babylonian values and ideologies in your daily life? What practical steps can you take to prioritize allegiance to God over conformity to the ways of the world?

  2. The call to "come out of Babylon" in Revelation suggests a need for discernment and separation from systems and practices that oppose God's kingdom. How can you evaluate the various influences in your life—whether cultural, social, or ideological—to ensure they align with the values of the Kingdom of God? What areas might you need to "come out of Babylon" in order to more fully follow Jesus?

  3. Babylon is ultimately portrayed as destined for judgment and destruction in Revelation, while the new Jerusalem represents God's ultimate victory and reign. How does keeping this perspective in mind affect your outlook on current events and challenges in the world? How can you maintain hope and confidence in God's sovereignty and ultimate triumph, even in the face of opposition or uncertainty?

  4. Worship is presented as a central theme in Revelation and as a means of resisting the spirit of Babylon. How can you ensure that your worship is rooted in the truth of God's saving acts and consistently bears witness to His loving, redeeming, and just mission?

  5. Consider the statement, "Worship sets our affections where they need to be – on the Lamb." How can you cultivate a lifestyle of worship that continually redirects your focus and affection towards Jesus, especially in the midst of challenges and distractions?