Genesis 1 In The Beginning week 2

Sep 23, 2024

Discussion Questions:

  1. How have you experienced God bringing order and purpose into areas of your life that felt chaotic or uncertain, similar to how He brought order to creation in Genesis 1?

    Reflect on moments in your life where you’ve seen God transform disorder or confusion into clarity and purpose. How can you continue trusting in His presence during difficult seasons?

  2. The sermon emphasizes the dynamic power of God's Word and Spirit in creation. How can you more intentionally partner with God's Word and Spirit to bring life, order, and purpose into your daily activities and relationships.

    Think about specific ways you can invite the Holy Spirit and Scripture into your decisions, work, and interactions. How might this change the way you approach challenges or opportunities?

  3. Being created in God’s image gives us the responsibility to reflect His nature in the world. How are you representing God’s character in the places where you have influence, such as your family, workplace, or community?

    Consider practical ways to better reflect God’s compassion, creativity, and stewardship in your sphere of influence. What changes might you need to make to align more with His character?

  4. In Genesis 1:31, God saw that His creation was "very good." How does this affect the way you view God's creation, including yourself and others?

    Reflect on whether you treat the world and people around you with the dignity and care that God’s "very good" creation deserves, knowing that everything He made has intrinsic value and purpose.


Genesis 1

Sep 16th,2024

Discussion Questions:

  1. Genesis 1:1 says, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." How does knowing that God is the Creator of all things shape your view of the world and your purpose in life?

  2. How does this image of God bringing order out of chaos encourage you in areas of your life that feel chaotic or uncertain? Where do you need to trust God more to bring clarity and order?

  3. In verse 2, the earth is described as "formless and empty," with darkness covering the deep waters. The Spirit of God is mentioned as "hovering over the waters" before creation takes shape.

    How does this verse remind you of God's active presence, even when things seem formless or incomplete?

    How does this imagery of God’s Spirit hovering over chaos encourage you when you face chaotic or dark moments in your life? Where do you see God's presence, even in difficult situations?


    Can you share a time when you felt God's presence in a difficult or uncertain situation?

  4. Since God is the Creator of everything, how should this affect the way we approach worship? How can recognizing God’s creative power deepen your awe and reverence for Him in both personal and corporate worship settings?

John 7

September 8, 2024

Discussion Questions:

  1. Are you aware of the "inner thirst" that Jesus speaks about? In what ways have you sought satisfaction apart from Him, and how might you come to Him today to satisfy those longings?

    Reflect on how Jesus invites you to bring your inner restlessness and unmet desires to Him. What steps can you take to deepen your reliance on Christ for fulfillment?

  2. How does the image of 'rivers of living water' flowing from within you challenge the way you live? How can you cultivate a deeper connection to the Holy Spirit to experience this constant spiritual refreshment?

    Consider how the Spirit’s work within you can transform your spiritual life. What practices can you adopt to remain connected to the source of this 'living water’

  3. In what ways can your satisfaction in Christ become a blessing to others around you? Are there people in your life who need to experience the peace and joy that comes from knowing Jesus?

    Think about how your contentment in Christ can overflow into your relationships and community. How might you intentionally share this satisfaction with others?

  4. As we enter this new ministry season, how can you ensure that your service and participation in church life flow out of a deep, personal satisfaction in Christ, rather than just routine or obligation?

    Examine how your involvement in ministry is fueled by your personal walk with Jesus. How can you maintain a heart that seeks Christ first in all you do?


1 Peter 1:3-4

Sep 3, 2024

Discussion questions:

  1. Reread 1 Peter 1:3-9, in what way(s) does this text specifically encourage and bring you joy today?

  2. How does the fact that we will experience a bodily resurrection from the dead (1 Corinthians 15) when Jesus returns to bring a new heaven and new earth give us living hope for today?

  3. What are some things you can do or experience today that you can be confident will last into God’s new world? (acts of love gratitude, kindness, works of art or music inspired by the love of God, delighting in the beauty of his creation, prayer, etc.)

1 Peter 5:7

August 18th, 2024

Discussion questions:

1. How do we model a non-anxious presence to the world around us? How might this posture, as we seek to clothe ourselves with humility, set us apart as sacred in our contexts?

2. What do you think about the idea that Jesus himself experienced anxiety? What does this mean for us and our response to our own cares and worries?

3. What would it look like for you to throw or cast your anxieties on God right now? Could it mean different types of prayer (contemplative, centering, lectio divina), further engaging with community (growth groups, more family time, therapy), or seeking help in some other way?

Proverbs 4:23

August 11 , 2024

Discussion Questions:

1. Read Proverbs 1-9, what themes seem to appear over and over? Why?

2. What does the phrase “fear of the Lord” mean to you? Consider what Proverbs says about what the fear of the Lord is. Does that change how you think about it?

3. Read Proverbs 4:23-27, what are some practical ways you can apply these words of wisdom to your own context?


Romans 8:28

August 04, 2024

Discussion Questions

  1. Given the promise of future glory in verse 18, how can we cultivate a deeper sense of hope in the midst of our current trials and sufferings? What practical steps can we take to maintain a hopeful perspective?

  2. Verse 26-27 describe the Holy Spirit as our intercessor. How can we deepen our reliance on the Spirit's work in our lives, especially when words fail us? What does it look like to allow the Spirit to guide our prayers and intercession?

  3. How can we more fully embrace our identity as God's adopted children? What practical ways can we live out our inheritance as heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ in our daily lives?

  4. Considering the hope and promises outlined in this passage, how can we live more intentionally for Christ today? What practical changes can we make in our lives to reflect the reality of our future glory?

  5. How can we share the hope and promise of Romans 8:28 with others who are going through difficult times? What specific actions can we take to be a source of comfort and encouragement to those around us?

John 3:16

July 28, 2024

Disscusion Questions

  1. How can we practically apply the concept of being "born again" in our daily lives? What does it mean to experience a spiritual transformation, and how can we cultivate this new life in Christ?

  2. In what ways are we resisting or rejecting God's light in our lives? How can we create spaces for God's truth to illuminate our hearts and minds, leading to greater faith and obedience? What specific areas of darkness do we need to address, and how can we allow God's light to illuminate those areas?

  3. What specific steps can we take to share the message of Jesus with others? How can we personally invite others to experience this transformative encounter with Christ? What practical steps can we take to share the gospel in our daily lives?

  4. Considering the overwhelming love of God expressed in John 3:16, how can we cultivate a deeper sense of gratitude in our hearts? How can we express this gratitude through our actions and service to others? How does understanding the depth and breadth of God's love for the world impact your personal relationship with Him?


Isaiah 41:10

July 21, 2024

Discussion Questions:

  1. The sermon highlighted the contrast between the nations' fear and God's promise of strength and protection. How have you experienced fear in your life? In what ways has God shown up for you during those times? How can we better trust God in the midst of our fears

  2. .The passage emphasizes God's control over history and His purpose for His people. How does understanding God's sovereignty impact your perspective on current events? How can we live with a greater sense of peace and purpose knowing that God is ultimately in control

  3. The sermon compared the nations' response to God with Israel's calling as God's servant people. How can the church today embody the role of God's servant people in our community? What specific actions can we take to demonstrate God's love and care?

  4. What idols or false securities are competing for our allegiance in place of God?

  5. The promise of God's strength and presence in Isaiah 41:10 is a powerful one. How can you personally claim this promise for your life? In what areas do you need God's strength and help the most? How can you cultivate a deeper relationship with God to experience His presence more fully?

  6. How can we effectively communicate God’s promises of strength and support to others who are going through difficult times?