Acts 13:1-13

January 22, 2023

Discussion Questions:

  • Read Acts 13:1-13. What stands out to you, raises question for you, or sparks curiosity about this passage?

  • If someone where to ask you to describe the mission of God, what would you tell them? Given your definition of God’s mission, how have you engaged in it?

  • Paul and Barnabas were uniquely called by God’s Spirit to travel to different places, telling others about the good news of Jesus.

    • Do you have any clarity on how God has uniquely called you? If so, what is it? If not, how do you think you might go about discerning it?

    • How did you hear about the good news of Jesus? Who stepped out to make sure you heard the gospel?

  • Can you remember and describe ‘Antioch Moments’ in the life of Philpott church (or another church you used to attend)?