January 15, 2023
Discussion Questions:
Russell suggested a main thrust of the book of Galatians is that we are free in Christ. “Christ has set you free; stay free.” – Paul.
What does it mean to be free in Christ?
How would you describe what it means to be ‘free in Christ’ to someone who is not a believer?
The Apostle Paul is astonished that the Galatians are turning from the gospel they received from Him to another gospel. The gospel they are turning to, was so fundamentally different that Paul said it ‘is really no gospel at all’.
How important is gospel truth to you? How is this shown in your life?
How can we ensure the gospel we believe is actually true?
How might you recognize a drift from the gospel?
How is seeking the approval of God different from seeking the approval of men? In what ways or situations do you seek the approval of man? How can you change the way you approach that situation so that you are seeking to please God?
Russell suggested one way we drift from the gospel is toward feeling the need to earn our salvation through good works.
Why do you think we feel that way at times?
Since our works cannot help us obtain salvation, should we practice good works at all? If so, why should practice them?