Galatians 1:1-5

How would you explain the gospel to someone who asked you today what you believe?


Russell suggested that the book of Galatians pushes us toward faith in the midst of doubt. It’s been stated that doubt is directional; we can doubt toward God, or we can doubt away from him.

  • How can we doubt toward God?


C.S. Lewis wrote about an event that could be best described as a grace awakening.

“For a long time I believed that I believed in the forgiveness of sins. But suddenly (on St. Mark’s Day [April 25]) this truth appeared in my mind in so clear a light that I perceived that never before had I believed it with my whole heart.”

  • Can you relate to Lewis? Share your experiences with your group?

  • Join in prayer for new awakenings to the wonders of God’s grace.


Paul begins his letter with what has been described as a wish-prayer.

              V3 – Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ

  • How can you be intentional about offering whispered prayers for people to receive and experience God’s grace and peace?