Holy Spirit Come (Part 5, Pentecost)

May 28, 2023


  1. All four gospels mention the baptism of Jesus. Reread Matthew 3:16-17, Mark 1:9-11, Luke 3:21-22 and John 1:29-32. What stands out to you as you read these passages? What questions do you have about them?

  2. What about your story of baptism? Is there anything that stands out?

  3. Reflecting upon the five metaphors of the Spirit that we covered in this series, is there one that most resonated with you? Why?

  4. In this week’s message, we considered the spirit as a hovering bird (dove). This metaphor reminds us that the Spirit is one who leans over and into the created order. How might this image encourage you this week?

  5. Russell suggested each of the metaphors of the Spirit speak of movement; the Holy Spirit is moving. How do you sense the spirit moving in your life? In our church? How has this series encouraged or challenged you toward greater intention/attentiveness to the action of the Holy Spirit?